SanHok Product
SK- Conveyor Belt Roller-03
For various reasons, the conveyor belt may at times, tend to drift laterally.
In these cases it is possible to utilise vertical rollers with cantilevered spindles, these are generally known as belt guide rollers.
It is necessary however to pay particular attention to the use to which these rollers are put, so that the forces…
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SanHok SK- Conveyor Belt Roller-03
Customization Steps
The conveyor roller is a non-standard customized product.
The customization steps are as follows:
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Accessories 样式1
Enhance Your Assembly Line With Our Premium Accessories
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Enhance Your Assembly Line With Our Premium Accessories
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Comprehensive Services And Support
Besides life long technical support, we also offer you service as below:
Shipment Of Machine
We will take the most solid and security package, with wooden cases and all kinds of soft material, to make sure the machine arrive safely.
We will send one engineer to come to your site for helping set up the machine and testing.
Our engineer will teach your staff how to use the machine and do the maintenance.
We offer 12 months or 2500 working hours quality warranty.